Music Dance Classes Children Desaposhini Kozhikode
Desaposhini Public Library, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

Event requires registration or tickets.

Schedule and Timing:

Dance and Music classes in Calicut on all Saturdays from 4.00pm to 6.30pm


Desaposhini Public Library conducts training for kids and teens in classical music, instrumental music and dance. Children get to try different art forms like keyboard, tabla, drawing, chess and classical dance, Hindustani and Carnatic music classes are also offered. A separate committee is managing all the program related to kids under the name Bala Vedi. Music academy of Bala Vedi conducts both short-term and long-term classes in instrumental, classical music and drawing. Chess classes are offered in association with Anand Chess Academy, Calicut.

About Bala Vedi

Earlier called Bala Sangham, it is one of the pioneering efforts for the overall development of kids from the age of six to fourteen in the Calicut district. It gives free membership for kids in the above age group in the kid's library. Children can loan books without any fee.

Bala Vedi has some of the most respected and expert music teachers in Calicut.

Tickets / Registration:

A monthly fee is charged for classes. Please contact Desaposhini Public Library at 0495-2741578. Mob: 9142900350.

Event id: 867335470
Published on February 28th, 2018, 3:00 pm
Ver.7  Dated February 23rd, 2019, 1:08 pm

Photo Courtesy: Jinu Rajendran

Contact Desaposhini Public Library at +91 495 274 1578.

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