Chithranjali All Kerala Nursery Arts Fest, Kozhikode
Tagore Centenary Hall, Red Cross Road, Mananchira, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

Event requires registration or tickets.

Schedule and Timing:

The Chithranjali Nusery Kalolsavam is usually held in the month of January/February.


The All Kerala Nursery Arts Fest is organised by Chithranjali at Kozhikode is a venue for budding talents in the field of arts.

The following items are included in the festival.

  • Solo Dance
  • Group Dance
  • Story Telling in English
  • Story Telling in Malayalam
  • Action Song Malayalam
  • Patriotic Song (Group)
  • Group Song in Malayalam
  • Group Song in English
  • Cinematic Dance (Group)
  • Cinematic Dance (Solo)
  • Oppana
  • Fancy Dress
  • Action Song English
  • Light Music
  • Recitation English
  • Recitation Malayalam
  • Mono act

Thousands of nursery kids participate from over 300 hundred nurseries across Kerala. Competitions are held at multiple venues. Many gifts and prizes await the winners of the competitions.

Tickets / Registration:

Contact Chithranjali Art and Cultural Organisation at 9946442188, 9895234333.

Event id: 167204965
Published on November 23rd, 2018, 9:53 pm
Ver.1  Dated February 21st, 2019, 10:26 am

Photo Courtesy: mishal nizar

Contact Tagore Centenary Hall at +91 495 236 5064.

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