India Mobile Congress New Delhi
Aerocity, Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi, South West Delhi, Delhi, India

Event requires registration or tickets.

Schedule and Timing:

The India Mobile Congress is held annually in the month of September / October.


The Indian Mobile Congress brings together the internet and technology companies to communicate and collaborate to envision the future. The three day event will also have an International conference with a focus on futuristic technologies like AI/ML, VR, AR, 5G, IOT etc.

Companies and folks from the following domains are participating.

  • Technology, Media and Telecom
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Network Security
  • VAS Provider Companies
  • Hardware Manufacturers
  • App Developers and Entrepreneurs

The participants get to exhibit their product, network and collaborate with leading brands and enterprises.

Salient feature areĀ 

  • 300+ exhibitors from around the globe
  • 2000+ decision makers
  • 1000+ International Media
  • 100+ Distinguished Indian as well as International Speakers
  • 100,000 visitors expected
  • Events for Startups

The Indian Mobile Congress was started in 2017 and 2018 exhibition is the second edition. The Indian Mobile Congress is jointly organised by the Department of Telecom and the Cellular Operators Association of India, COAI.

The 2018 edition carries the slogan of New Digital Horizons Connect, Create and Innovate.

Tickets / Registration:

Contact India Mobile Congress at +91-1123440236 for information and assistance.

Register or buy tickets at
Event id: 2078260311
Published on October 18th, 2018, 5:38 pm
Ver.2  Dated February 22nd, 2019, 5:28 am

Photo Courtesy: MILAN ZATAKIA

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