Latin Church Thrissur Mass Timings
Religion and Spirituality / Christian Contributors :

Free entry. Registration not required.
Sunday Morning Mass at 6.30 am, 8 am and evening mass at 5.30 pm (English),7 pm .
Tuesday - 6.30 ,8.30, 10.30 in the morning and 3 pm, 4.30 pm and at 7 pm (English) Mass followed by Novena, Adoration.
Other Days - Morning at 7 am, 8 am and at evening 7 pm.
First Friday - Morning 7 am, 8 am and evening 7 pm Holy Mass followed by Adoration.
Last Tuesday - Healing Ministry Day.
Description:The Sacred Heart Latin church or the Latin Palli Thrissur is a Catholic church famous for its veneration of St Antony and the 'Oottu Thirunnal' in June every year.
Many hundreds throng to the Church, especially on Tuesdays for Holy Mass, Adoration, and Novena to St Anthony who is considered a miracle performer.
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