Sakthan Thampuran Museum Thrissur Visitor Guide
Sakthan Thampuran Palace, Stadium Road, Chembukkav, Thrissur, Kerala, India

Event requires registration or tickets.

Schedule and Timing:

Sakthan Thampuran Museum remains open from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm on all days except Mondays.


The Sakthan Thampuran Palace, located at Thrissur, is a landmark in the annals of the Perumpadappu Swaroopam, the former ruling dynasty of Kochi. The Palace is about 300 years old.

Historians consider the reign of King Ramavarma Sakthan Thampuran (AD 1790-1805) as the golden era of Kochi. During his reign, he maintained cordial relationships with European powers and also with rulers of neighbouring regions of Mysore and Travancore.

The Palace (formerly Vadakkechira Kovilakam) was renovated by Sakthan Thampuran. It is a rare blend of Kerala-Dutch architectural style. The Palace compound has an extent of 6.5 acres. There are 12 galleries.

There is also a heritage garden attached to the south of the Museum having a diverse collection of herbs and trees grown in Kerala and a large variety of medicinal plants.

The museum houses some interesting galleries like the Bronze gallery, where one can find bronze statues belonging to the period between 12th and 18th century, a sculpture gallery displaying granite statues belonging to the period between the 9th and 17th century and the Epigraphy gallery showcasing the genesis and evolution of ancient writings.

Other galleries in the museum exhibit Household utensils made of copper and bronze, ancient coins (numismatics gallery) and remains of the great stone age.

The Palace also houses a large number of old Chariots made during the Portuguese and Dutch reign.

The Museum is maintained by the Kerala Archaeological Department.

Tickets / Registration:

An entry fee of ₹ 20/- from an adult and ₹ 5/- from children is collected. Besides, ₹ 50/- for a camera, ₹ 250/- for the video camera. ₹ 25000/- for a feature film and ₹ 10000/- for telefilm is charged.

Event id: 1297846056
Published on August 14th, 2018, 8:52 am
Ver.3  Dated February 22nd, 2019, 4:54 am

Photo Courtesy: travel stories by Vishnu Kandamangalam

Contact Sakthan Thampuran Palace at +91 487 232 3631.

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