Poopoli National Agrifest Flower Show Ambalavayal, Wayanad
RARS Flowershow Park, Vaduvanchal - Kolagappara Road, Ambalavayal, Wayanad, Kerala, India

Event requires registration or tickets.

Schedule and Timing:

Poopoli  Flower show and Agri-fest will be held from 1st January to 18th January every year.


Pooppoli International Fruit and Flori Fest is the biggest Flower show and Agri-fest in Kerala. It is organised by the Kerala Agriculture University and International society for Horticultural sciences ICHS.

The show is a also a venue for knowledge sharing and exhibits the latest trends in horticulture and floriculture. Pooppoli fest will have symposiums as well as  interaction between International experts, scientists and entrepreneurs in this field.

The show has a permanent venue which spans 12 acres at the research centre of the Kerala Agriculture University at Ambalavayal. Various cultural events adds variety to this festival of fruits and flowers.

Tickets / Registration:

Tickets available at the venue. Free for kids under 6 years. Call for more details at 04936 260421. Fax: 04936 260561.

Event id: 2086386152
Published on October 26th, 2018, 6:08 pm
Ver.3  Dated February 22nd, 2019, 5:28 am

Photo Courtesy: JIBY ISSAC A

Contact RARS Flowershow Park at +91 4936 260 561.

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